Why I will never again watch The Traitors
The third series of the BBC’s hit series The Traitors ended recently.
It’s time for climate populism
By Caroline Lucas and Rupert Read. ...around the world, climate change action is under threat, and not just with a denier back in the White House.
The Coming Climate Uncertainty Conundrum
It’s time to prepare for the ‘Chaoscene.’
Pivoting to a Strategy based in Climate Adaptation: The Path Forward from Trump-world
As we all know, a dreadful new yet familiar regime is about to begin across the pond. Meet the new President, same as the old President: …I mean, the 2016-2020 President. Or perhaps worse: for this time he has a plan.
2025 Is the Year Extinction Rebellion Demanded We Should Go Zero Carbon but ‘Britain Has Woefully Failed’
The Government is ‘absolutely not going to save us… 2025 needs to be the year we start to save ourselves’.
Rupert Read looks at challenges facing planet in 2025 | Eastern Daily Press
For weeks now, my social media has been flooded with posts urging a “New Year, New Me!” But this year, I’d like to focus less on “me” and more on “us.”
At Extinction Rebellion, we aimed for UK net zero in 2025. That won’t happen – so here’s what to do instead
With the climate crisis hitting Britain, we must build resilience at a local level by rewilding, saving water and fighting floods
Why I prefer Solstice to Christmas
...at this time of year, my favourite thing is the Solstice. (And remember: Solstice is kind-of WHY Christmas became a big thing: Christians sought to replace the traditional celebration of the Solstice with a festival that they owned, instead!)
The Deluge – From apocalypse to adaptation
Which is more likely to enable us to find pathways through what is coming: reading the latest IPCC report, or a truly immersive piece of climate fiction?' Philosopher and co-founder of the Climate Majority Project, Rupert Read explores what is 'extraordinary and likely prophetic' about Steve Markley’s climate epic, 'The Deluge'.
Labour’s Vision is Walking Blind Without this 6th Mission: Step forward, climate-adaptation
This is a big week for Britain’s new Labour Government: PM Starmer is hoping to win back some of the electorate he has so swiftly lost by relaunching the Government’s ruling five missions, by which they wish to be judged. Specifically, by introducing ‘measurable milestones’ which his government aims to achieve over the coming years. He hopes that doing so will give solidity to Labour’s vision for the future in a way that resonates with voters.