Why I accept donations

For many years I have spent a lot of time giving talks around the country and speaking to the media, articulating the dire ecological predicament in which we find ourselves in. This is almost always unpaid labour, and indeed often costs me money in filming and travel costs.

However, what I am accepting donations for is to enable me to pay for a part-time personal assistant to help with research, organise my schedule and free up my time as much as possible to enable me to focus on effective climate advocacy and activism. In 2023, I left my role at the University of East Anglia (after 26 years) to dedicate myself full-time to this, particularly the Climate Majority Project, which I co-founded.

Any donations I receive will be going towards the payment of a part-time personal assistant and the payment of work that I sub-contract out, such as research, website maintenance and video editing.

There are of course many good organisations doing vital climate change advocacy that need donations, please click here to find out my recommendation and the reasoning behind it. However, if you enjoy my work, find it educative, believe that my advocacy is an effective voice and want to sponsor it financially, then you can support my work through donations to my PayPal. Any donations will help free up more of my time to dedicate to effective advocacy and are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Rupert Read.