A hopeful dialogue on spiritual adaptation to our climate nemesis with Stephen Wright
This conversation between Rupert Read and Stephen Wright (‘Fugue: Climate, Collapse and Contemplation’) was recorded at Redmire Farm in Cumbria on 24 Feb. 2025. Topics covered include what we can still actively hope for, different forms of climate adaptation, the role of the difficult emotions, the fundamentality of love, and animism vs a biocentric spiritual ethic.
Love & Liberation in Times of Crisis | Love & Philosophy
For full details, visit the website here.
The Bridge Between Spirituality and Eco-Awareness | Tom Llewellyn
Tom is a well-being facilitator, writer, and teacher of meditation, yoga, lucid dreaming, astral projection, sound healing and meditation. He also offers online courses, coaching and retreats. You can find out more about his work here: www.soulremember.com
Phoenix, dodo or butterfly? Three futures for East Anglia
This opinion piece first appeared in the Eastern Daily Press here. Let me transport you a decade into the future, in this vulnerable and beautiful part of the world that we share, out here in the East. It’s 2034. Little progress has been made worldwide or in this country at making us safe against climate breakdown. Here in East Anglia, we are, as a result, increasingly vulnerable to extreme temperatures – and extreme ‘weather events’ aka climate disasters. It’s early autumn. A huge storm-system is barrelling down the North Sea. Combining with ultra high tides, it overwhelms coastal flood defences in some places. But worse, gigantic volumes of sea water…
Your Brain on Climate | Podcast
Do we all have a duty to say it like we see it - particularly on things we're not seeing clearly enough, like climate change?
Are We in a War Against Life? Iain McGilchrist & Rupert Read in Conversation
This conversation is part of an online seminar series taking place in the Spring and Summer of 2023 bringing innovative thinkers into conversation with Iain McGilchrist to explore his philosophy as laid out in The Matter with Things.
Kairos Club – Wittgenstein, Co-freedom & The Politics of Ecology
In this talk, philosopher, Rupert Read, environmental movement strategist and author of ‘Wittgenstein’s Liberatory Philosophy’, argued that Wittgenstein is above all a philosopher of freedom - but that he sees freedom as utterly inextricable from our being together. Freedom is co-freedom, co-liberation.
Mourn and organise: On the power of truth in a world awash with lies
This article first appeared on ABC Religion and Ethics. Upon learning that he was about to die, the Swedish-American labour activist and songwriter Joe Hill wrote a telegram to Bill Haywood, the founder of the Industrial Workers of the World. It read: “Goodbye, Bill. I die like a true blue rebel. Don’t waste any time mourning. Organize!” The (para)phrase “don’t mourn, organise” received a boost in popularity when a collection of Hill’s songs were released under the title “Don’t Mourn — Organize!: Songs of the Labour Songwriter Joe Hill”. The phrase was subsequently used by the Boston Globe as the title of an article honouring the American playwright, philosopher, and socialist thinker Howard Zinn when he…
How dolphins and whales can teach us to survive
From the day you were born you have been bombarded by person-shaping experiences, from your parents, teachers, friends, media, and society at large. No opinion you hold about any subject can exist without these shapely experiences, and thus the ‘pure’ you, unhindered by others, is practically knowable; you are the exciting cocktail of millions of experiences.
An unprecedented crisis and lack of sufficient awareness
“The moderate flank stands for mass action on climate, action that will consist largely in “doing” what needs to be done in response to this crisis. We all now know that there IS a crisis, and that Government are not acting adequately on it. It’s time for us to do what is necessary, together, from the ground up, to make our communities resilient, and to make our workplaces and businesses and progressions truly climate-positive.” – Rupert Read. Excerpt from panel discussion with Robin Celikates, Andreas Malm, Eva von Redecker, and Rupert Read on the question “What is to be Done? Climate Crisis and Political Activism”. This was the closing event…