Climate Truthfulness & Its Positive Relation to Climate Adaptation | Green Party Conf. Fringe
Rupert’s address to the Green Party Conference fringe on the extraordinary Green general election – and how to parlay it into the taking seriously of our climate predicament, and of climate adaptation.
Time’s up! Green surge in the East alarms the old parties
A Green activist savours the party’s recent electoral success, looks at some reasons for it, and looks forward to the next general election.
Time to access our superpower
In the wake of 4 May’s breakthrough Council results, truthfulness from us on the mismatch with incipient climate breakdown will be more powerful than ever. Rupert Read from GreensCAN explores.
When time is not on our side, can we afford to keep the same strategy?
As the Green Party turns 50 and Party co-founder Michael Benfield tells the BBC that he thinks the game is up, Rupert Read and Joe Eastoe argue that it is time for the Green Party to take a long, hard, honest look at itself.