Negotiating The Space Between Apocalypse And Victory
I want to put to you something uncomfortable but true. And truth is non-negotiable; try negotiating with the atmosphere, or with a virus, and you won’t get very far. This is why Extinction Rebellion’s first demand is to tell the truth. And truth-telling begins at home. At this historic moment of #reset, as humanity starts to emerge from the shock of the epochal COVID-19 crisis, it is tempting to pretend that everything can now be okay if (say) we win a Green New Deal. But we are merely dreaming if we think that way. This is a moment of reset, it must be embraced and made the most of. But…
The Hard Facts Of COVID-19 Demolish the UK Government's Deadly 'Herd Immunity' Strategy
Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable – Mark Twain While toilet rolls, pasta and flour may have been hard to come by during the Coronavirus crisis, there has never been a shortage of statistics. The Government’s unreliable stats on personal protective equipment (counting two gloves as two items of PPE, for instance), on tests (counting tests sent out and multiple tests on the same person towards its 100,000 a day target, which has probably not once yet been achieved), and on deaths (failing, for instance, to include excess deaths) are legion. But one set of stats was particularly dangerous. They were widely used in certain quarters to try…
'Test and Trace' is a Dangerous Omnishambles
Trust is invaluable in a public health emergency. This was what our source stressed above all. As someone who has been involved in the effort to fight the Coronavirus nationally for the past few months, they are deeply dismayed by what they have seen. The UK may soon have the highest death rate from the Coronavirus in the world. Through the Dominic Cummings affair, the Government has forfeited what public trust it had left. This should underline the importance of the UK Government devolving power to command and control structures empowered – wherever the pandemic is not being suppressed and in particular where it is growing – to bring in trusted…
A precautionary case for making damn sure we are not Vitamin D deficient, in the era of coronavirus
With the UK being now, scandalously, the European country most affected by the coronavirus outbreak, it’s natural for people to want to help boost their immune systems; but how important is vitamin D in the fight against coronavirus? Known as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is an essential nutrient that regulates the intake of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, while also supporting a naturally effective immune system. Evidence is accumulating that there is a significant link between low levels of the vitamin and higher mortality rates – although most agree it is too early to categorically say one way or the other and more work is needed. One piece of this…
Smell The Roses
Even in the darkest of times, it is human nature to look for the light. But finding anything good amid the horror and despair of coronavirus felt impossible at first – especially when our government let us, and those we love, down so very atrociously. However, as the weather started to improve and I ventured outside my four walls a little more, I sat in my garden in the sunshine with a cup of tea one day in April, and I heard a flicker of hope, saw the glimpse of a silver lining. It began simply, with bird song. I recalled a quote from Kyo Maclear’s Birds Art Life: If…
Justus Wenzel reviews This Civilisation is Finished
A sky almost without contrails, hardly any cars on the roads, better air: between yesterday and today a virus has made possible what seemed impossible until the day before yesterday. When the Corona crisis however is overcome, will it remain more than a reminder of the possibility of the impossible? Will the new experiences we have been having also open up perspectives for what it is necessary to do in the face of the coming climate catastrophe? Questions of this kind would certainly have been raised if Rupert Read and Samuel Alexander had begun their talks about the climate crisis and the chance for a new beginning after the outbreak…
It is government policy that has led to the dire situation we are now in
Let’s cut to the chase; our government has let us down in the way they have handled this pandemic – with devastating consequences. Not only that but many of us have now received a letter stating a fuller lockdown might be needed which puts the blame firmly on our shoulders. And that’s just wrong. Make no mistake, it is government policy that has led to the dire situation we are now in. It might seem insensitive to make this point with Boris Johnson poorly but, while I wish him a full and speedy recovery, this is not about him, but rather the government as a whole and its advisors who…
If the UK escapes a full Covid catastrophe, the people, not the Government, should be thanked
It is because of pressure from experts and citizens, and because of citizens moving way ahead of Government in implementing physical-distancing measures from the bottom up, that the Johnson Government has finally moved, and that Covid-19 might be starting to be brought under control in the UK. This article explores these vital points, as we move into a three-week ‘lockdown’ period. So the UK Government has at last imposed a lockdown. Sigh of relief all round. Better late than never. Note well, however: it’s only really a partial lockdown. It’s still not strong enough, not properly precautionary: e.g. why are home and hardware stores still open?..Is being able to get…
How to do the right thing in a pandemic
The world has become a lot more dangerous and uncertain. We have not seen a pandemic the likes of COVID-19 for a century. Within three short months over 250,000 people have been confirmed to have the virus, while hundreds of thousands more are infected and undiagnosed. Naturally people are looking to scientists to provide answers for how we can and should respond to this pandemic. Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson has capitalised on this by seeking to dress his political decisions in the veneer of science. He has consistently referred to his ‘scientific’ and ‘evidence-based’ approach to justify his political decisions. He has enlisted the chief medical and scientific advisers…
No bailouts except ‘green’ bailouts
Aviation co-created the global corona pandemic. And it is destroying our climate too. The government is currently working out the finer details of an airline rescue package. In practice, this likely means throwing billions of pounds at the industry in the form of loans and tax breaks. Ministers are hoping that this bailout will ensure that the UK still has a functioning airline sector after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides. It is worth considering the bitter irony of the UK heavily spending to save an industry that has played such a detrimental role in spreading this virus. After all, it is mass air travel that has enabled the virus to infect…