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You ARE the Climate Majority | Ilkley Climate Action – Clarke Foley Community Centre | Audio Only

‘You ARE the Climate Majority – how together we can make ourselves SAFER even as climate breakdown unfolds’ Across the UK in communities, workplaces and wherever they have power, people from all walks of life are organising the kinds of serious climate action that will make governments take notice. The Climate Majority Project is a rallying place for citizen climate action. We help projects to grow, get funding, and connect with as many willing hands as possible.

Are you part of the climate majority? We bet you are!

Recorded Thursday, May 9 2024, Climate Action Ilkley

“Our vision is for a sustainable climate resilient town, where everyone is part of a thriving community living within the planetary boundaries. Our mission is to take action locally to address the climate and ecological emergencies and bring about a just transition to a sustainable climate resilient town. We are keen to collaborate with other organisations and communities who share our goals.”

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