Audio and video
How We Adapt to Climate Collapse: Transformative Adaptation with Rupert Read and Manda Scott
For full details, click here.
A hopeful dialogue on spiritual adaptation to our climate nemesis with Stephen Wright
This conversation between Rupert Read and Stephen Wright (‘Fugue: Climate, Collapse and Contemplation’) was recorded at Redmire Farm in Cumbria on 24 Feb. 2025. Topics covered include what we can still actively hope for, different forms of climate adaptation, the role of the difficult emotions, the fundamentality of love, and animism vs a biocentric spiritual ethic.
Love & Liberation in Times of Crisis | Love & Philosophy
For full details, visit the website here.
How Bad Will it Get? Thrutopias and the Need for Transformative Adaptation | Urgent Futures
Rupert joined Jesse Damiani for the Urgent Futures podcast. Find more information here.
The Bridge Between Spirituality and Eco-Awareness | Tom Llewellyn
Tom is a well-being facilitator, writer, and teacher of meditation, yoga, lucid dreaming, astral projection, sound healing and meditation. He also offers online courses, coaching and retreats. You can find out more about his work here:
DIRECT: response to Trump’s inaugural -The return of ‘Might makes right’? …& climate-driven decline’
Across the UK in communities, workplaces and wherever they have power, people from all walks of life are organising the kinds of serious climate action that will make governments take notice. The Climate Majority Project is a rallying place for citizen climate action. We help projects to grow, get funding, and connect with as many willing hands as possible.
BBC Radio 4’s Free Thinking | Knowing When To Stop.
What tactics are justified in political campaigning from suffragettes to climate action? When is an art work finished? Do the moderation of Aristotle and Epicurus offer us a way of navigating life? Christmas – a time for panto, over-eating and gaudy decorations – was your festive season overwhelming or excessive? The writer and broadcaster Andrew Doyle, the classicist Edith Hall, comedian Rob Newman, environmentalist Rupert Read, and performer and suffrage historian Naomi Paxton join Shahidha Bari to discuss when enough is enough, knowing when to stop and how far should free speech go. You can access the programme here.
Adapt or die: why decarbonisation is no longer enough to save us | Gareth Cane.
Climate adaptation is the Cinderella of climate action, but increasing extreme weather events make it all too clear that we not only have to mitigate climate change (through carbon reductions) but prepare for the impacts already baked into the system. Rupert Read, author of Transformative Adaptation and former Extinction Rebellion Spokesperson, joins me to talk about the need to go beyond “shallow, defensive” adaptation and ‘green bling’ to build true resilience into our global value chains, and how adaptation can be a pathway to decarbonisation rather than an either or. Rupert is a fascinating analyst of the climate debate who will challenge many of your assumptions. View the podcast website…
How pivoting to climate ‘adaptation’ can transform climate consciousness (for the better) | Times Radio
Climate action thus far has focused on decarbonisation. This is hard, because it’s the ultimate collective action more-than-problem. In this interview, Dr. Read, Co-Director of the ClimateMajorityProject, speaks about how pivoting to strategic adaptation can transform this situation: because of the co-benefits for cost of living, and more. Edited excerpt courtesy of Alexis Conran show, Time Radio.
DIRECT: How we make the New Year Happy by coming to terms with what HASN’T been achieved by 2025
Rupert’s New Year message focuses upon what 2025 was meant to be: the year by which ‘developed’ countries, such as Britain, achieved carbon zero. And what follows from our total failure to achieve such crucial goals: the creation of new goals for ourselves based on >adapting< strategically and transformatively to the here-and-coming climate impacts…